Kevin Marin

Kevin Marin

Fullstack Developer.

My Goal
To create apps, websites and projects for good
My Purpose
To become a better developer and human while doing it.

Curiosity along with a desire to find a true passion and a fulfilling career met at the same time and lead me down a hole of understanding how the internet and its content work. Despite my best efforts, I soon realized that while the world inside my browser was bigger and more complex than expected. I saw the potential in it to create things with value. The feeling of never knowing enough along with the infinite room for improvement, led me to pursue this career.

My goal is to create apps, websites and projects for good, and my purpose is to become a better developer and a better human while doing it.



  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React.JS
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • Bootstrap
  • MUI5
  • Node
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Rest APIs
  • Azure

Web Designer


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2012 - 2014

Contact me.

Dallas, Texas